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This Could Be It!

Paul McArthur

I think Daniel's 70th week could start in a couple of days.

I believe the chronology covered in Revelation 12 and Revelation 5 & 6 is this... the devil is kicked out of heaven, the Lamb takes the scroll, all of heaven and every creature on earth praises the Lamb, the Lamb opens the first seal and Daniel's 70 week begins.

I believe Daniel's 70th week starts 1335 days before the Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur. Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 is 1335 days before the Day of Atonement in Sept 29, 2028.

I've been watching the events taking place in the world since Donald Trump took office. I was expecting protests and riots. I expected people going around pillaging and plundering, setting cars and businesses on fire. That hasn't happened.

That started to concern me until I thought... when the war in heaven breaks out the devil and his angels will be busy fighting in heaven and things could quiet down on earth for a little while, relatively speaking.

Revelation 5:11-14 could be an event that will give us a clue that Daniel's 70th week has begun.

John said he heard... Revelation 5:13 ... every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

I'm wondering if the animals on earth will start to praise the Lamb and whether we will hear that when it takes place. Wouldn't that be crazy? Imagine hearing your cat or dog go off meowing and barking for no reason. Imagine the commotion at the zoos around the world.

I believe the Second Coming is a 2 week long event... not a 1 day event. The 1st 10 days of the Second Coming will include a series of events that will take place before every eye sees Jesus.

I believe the Second Coming starts with 3 angels. The 1st angel will preach the everlasting gospel one last time. The 2nd angel will announce the destruction of Babylon, aka Jerusalem. The 3rd angel will pronounce a curse upon all who have taken the mark of the beast. Then there will be a great earthquake. I believe it will be a worldwide earthquake, not one just located in Israel. The sun and moon will be darkened. The stars will fall from heaven to the earth. The heaven will depart as a scroll. Every mountain and island will be moved from their places. Everybody will try to hide in dens and rocks of the mountains. I believe all of this takes place for the 10 days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.

I believe the Day of Atonement is the day when every eye starts to see Jesus.

But, you say... no man knoweth the day or the hour. Stop misquoting that verse by deleting words and rearranging words and then you might be able to accept that you CAN know when Jesus will return.

You see the start of Matthew 24:36 says BUT OF THAT day and hour knoweth no man. The word BUT is a conjunction. It is used to compare and contrast another statement. Verse 35 has the statement used to compare and contrast. It says... Heaven and earth shall pass away. Verse 36 says but of that day and hour... what day and hour? The day when heaven and earth shall pass away. Matthew 24:35-36 is actually saying Heaven and earth shall pass away but of that day, when Heaven and earth shall pass away, knoweth no man.

When you realize that you can CAN KNOW when the Second Coming will take place then you can see how the last 3 feasts fit into God's appointed times.

When is the Second Coming going to take place? The Second Coming will take place during the last 3 feasts, God's appointed times, given in Leviticus 23. You see the Second Coming is a 2 week long event starting with the Feast of Trumpets, peaking at the Day of Atonement when every eye sees Jesus and then ending with the Feast of Booths as all of the heavenly host arrives back in heaven and there is silence in heaven for the space of 30 minutes as preparation is made for the 7th seal to be opened.

It doesn't matter whether I'm right or wrong. I won't get a crown for being right. If per chance I am wrong then I would look forward to Jan 22, 2026 or Feb 9, 2027 as the next potential start of Daniel's 70th week.

What about the Covenant with Many? Nelson Walters has a YouTube channel and he thinks the Covenant took place in October last year. So, why didn't the Tribulation start last year? Well, Nelson pointed out something I found interesting. He thinks when Daniel 9:27 says CONFIRM that really could be interpreted as STRENGTHEN. I don't buy that. However, it does paint an interesting picture.

Suppose the Covenant with Many is made a couple of month before 'he' CONFIRMS the Covenant? Then it may be possible that the Covenant made in October of last year is "the" Covenant with Many and we are just waiting for the antichrist to confirm that covenant.

The problem is... there are only 2-3 days left for him to confirm the covenant... taking everything literally.

Another fly in the ointment is the Jubilee. Good luck trying to find out when the last Jubilee year was recorded. However, Google AI says there was one back in 522 BC. I thought it was in 572 BC but either year works. This means 2028 is the next Jubilee year. So, if things don't start happening next week then that puts 2029 and 2030 on the maybe list... because maybe the Jubilee year was really 523 or 524 BC.

Time will tell.



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