(I preached this sermon on October 27, 2024 for men's Preaching Night.)
The title of this sermon is The Day and the Hour of the Second Coming or God's Appointed Times.
This sermon has been a long time in coming. It is one that I have great trepidation in sharing because I know the reactions will be varied. But I think I am on solid ground and it's time.
Several years ago Pastor Anderson preached a sermon and when he was done I stopped and asked… did he just say what I think he said? I went back and checked. He did. Pastor Anderson knows, somewhat, when the Second Coming will take place. But he can't nail it down because he keeps misquoting Matthew 24:36 saying no man knoweth the day or the hour of the Rapture. So, he is terrified of nailing this down for fear of being mocked and rejected. If he will stop misquoting that verse then he can nail it down, too.
[35]Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
[36]But of that day and hour (when heaven and earth shall pass away) knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
When you stop misquoting verse 36 then you can start to realize you can know when Jesus will return because it's all part of God's appointed times… God's feasts.
Because Anderson is stuck on a one day, 24-hour, Rapture he thinks the Rapture will take place on the first fall Feast… the Feast of Trumpets. I think differently.
This all started 4 years ago when Jason Robinson preached a sermon that put Daniel's 70th week on the bottom shelf for me. Once that clicked in my mind, I said something crazy. I said, I can create a website with a Rapture calculator that will let people plug in any date they want that will let them see how the timeline plays out. The problem was I'd never written code for a website before and yet I knew I could do it. It took me 3 days of trial and error.
Then I lost my mind. I don’t know what possessed me, but I sent an email to Adam and shared my website with him. I’d never contacted him before and he had no clue who I was. He responded positively, not treating me like some nut job. He responded with a good suggestion. He said instead of letting people enter the date of the Covenant with Many, let them enter the date of the Rapture. I thought about that for about 3 minutes and then modified the code. A couple of weeks ago I tweaked the calculator and created a new and improved calculator that lets people choose from 1 of 3 dates because I really think we're down to just 1 of 3 dates.
By the way, the name of the website is www.rapturecalculator.com.
Before we continue, we need to define the term Second Coming because that term is NOT found in the bible. It's a term like Total Depravity. Calvinism is a theology based on words and terms not found in the bible. When you use words or terms that are not found in the Bible then you can define them anyway you want.
What does Second Coming mean? It means whatever you want it to mean.
It means that moment when Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives... if that's what you WANT it to mean. There are people who believe the Rapture and the Second Coming are separate events and the actual Second Coming takes place after the Rapture when Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives.
It means the moment when those who are alive and remain are changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye... if that's what you WANT it to mean.
It means the moment the dead in Christ rise first... if that's what you WANT it to mean.
It means the moment every eye SEES Jesus... if that's what you want it to mean. The problem with this is the bible doesn’t say the Second Coming takes place in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. So, people will make something up to explain how every eye will see Jesus at the same moment.
That's the beauty of using words or terms not found in or defined by the bible. If you want every eye to see Jesus at the same moment, then you're free to say that because it's YOUR definition not the bible’s.
If you think my interpretation is going to be crazy, then... yeah... you're right. If you didn't like last month's sermon then this one will be worse. If you liked last month's sermon then this one will blow your mind and it will blow your socks off, too. I think everybody's definition of the Second Coming is myopic and very narrow. I am going to give you an expanded definition for the Second Coming. You may accept it or not but it's my definition.
I must apologize first because I assumed everybody was on the same page concerning the Rapture last time. The Rapture is defined in many ways like the Second Coming. It means whatever people want it to mean. Most people believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture. Let me put that to rest. Let me give you several reasons why the Pre-Trib Rapture is a lie.
1. The Rapture is not about us. Every preacher who emphasizes the Rapture does so by placing emphasis on us and the benefits to us. The Rapture is not about us.
2. Jesus never taught anybody about the Rapture. He alludes to the rapture when he simply said the elect will be gathered. The elect who are gathered are 1) the dead in Christ and 2) those who are alive and remain.
3. In order to be Raptured you have to be alive. Everybody who Jesus spoke to was going to be dead. There was no need to tell them they would be Raptured because they were going to be dead.
4. Pre-Trib Rapture theology robs Jesus of glory. Our hope is Jesus not our Rapture.
5. Most believers are currently dead in Christ. Imagine dying with the belief in a Pre-Rapture only to end up becoming one of the dead in Christ. Awkward. None of the dead in Christ are looking forward to their Rapture because they are already DEAD… in Christ. Yippee.
6. Pre-Trib Rapture violates scripture. The bible says it is appointed unto man once to die. Pre-Trib Rapture theology teaches you will NEVER die if you are raptured. Never believe a theology that violates clear scripture.
7. Pre-Trib Rapture violates scripture, again. It says we are not appointed unto wrath therefore we will not go through tribulation. The bible says in John 16:33... In the world ye shall have tribulation and then in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath. Pre-Trib Rapture theology treats Tribulation and Wrath as the same thing. They are not. Believers will go through “The Tribulation” but they will not experience God's wrath.
8. Pre-Trib Rapture repeats the first lie told in the bible. Genesis 3:4 "And the serpent said unto the woman, (eat this fruit and) Ye shall not surely die". Pre-Trib Rapture teaches… make it to the Rapture and ye shall not surely die.
That is 8 reasons why Pre-Trib Rapture is a lie. How many more reasons do you need to stop believing in a Pre-Trib Rapture? People say, “Well… it just makes me HAPPY! It makes me Feel Good!” ok. That is why the gospel has been perverted for years. People want something they can believe and accept… not the truth.
People want to have hope that they won't go through tribulation, and they won't die so they put their hope in theology that violates clear scripture and ultimately is designed to rob God of glory.
God gets all the glory. He gets glory when people die and go to heaven. He gets glory when people die and go to hell. If one person does not die, then that person will rob God of glory. Pre-Trib Rapture teaching is designed to do one thing: Rob God of glory.
Instead of asking about the Rapture or the Second Coming I suggest looking at the 7 feasts God gave the children of Israel in Leviticus 23 because the word feasts literally translated means Appointed Times. God's feasts are God's Appointed Times. The 7 feasts are:
Feast of Passover - Nisan 15
Feast of Unleavened Bread - Nisan 16
Feast of Firstfruits - Nisan 17
Feast of Weeks aka Pentecost - Iyar 27
Feast of Trumpets - Tishri 1
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur - Tishri 10
Feast of Tabernacles aka Feast of Booths - Tishri 15
God appointed the time when Jesus would be crucified on the 14th day of Nisan, the day before the Feast of the Passover. When Jesus said, It is finished, he was saying God’s plan of redemption was complete. Jesus fulfilled the Feasts of God at God’s Appointed Times by literally becoming the Passover lamb, by literally becoming the sinless unleavened Bread of Life and by literally becoming the Firstfruits of the Dead. God appointed the times his promises would be fulfilled, and his promises were fulfilled by the first 3 feasts that took place over the 15th, 16th and 17th days of Nisan.
God Appointed the Times. Jesus fulfilled God’s Feasts.
You see, the Jews think the feasts point backwards to God's provisions. History tells us the feasts pointed forward to the times when Jesus would fulfill God’s promises. The irony is… the Jews could've looked forward to the Messiah coming and fulfilling the feasts, but they were told… no man knoweth the day or the hour.
Jesus could've ascended the day after he resurrected but he still had prophecy to fulfill. Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days picturing the time Jesus was in hell for 3 days. Jesus stayed and preached for 40 days just as Jonah preached for 40 days after getting out of the belly of the whale.
Jesus told his disciples he would have to leave and then he would pray (ask) the Father to send another Comforter aka The Comforter aka the Holy Spirit. He raptured 40 days after he resurrected. The disciples waited for God’s next Appointed Time that was just 10 days away… the Feast of Weeks aka Pentecost. God sent the Comforter as promised at his Appointed Time. God fulfills his promises at his appointed times.
We have been told… no man knoweth the day or the hour however God's appointed time for Jesus to return has already been appointed by God’s Feasts. It is no mystery. Jesus will return during the last 3 feasts. The last 3 feasts span 15 days starting with Tishri day 1 and ending with Tishri day 15.
Is this farfetched? No. My definition of the Second Coming is this: The Second Coming is a series of supernatural events that will take place over the last 3 feasts that span 15 days just like the first 4 feasts were a series of supernatural events that spanned 54 days.
What were the supernatural events that took place over the 54 days during the 1st 4 feasts?:
Jesus gave up the ghost.
There was an earthquake when he died.
The graves of the dead were opened, and some people came back to life.
The temple veil was rent in two.
Jesus' spirit went to heaven with the thief on the cross.
Jesus' soul went to hell and preached to the souls in hell.
Jesus' body stayed in the tomb. God preserved his body, so it did not corruption.
Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later.
Jesus' body still had the holes in his hands and his side.
Jesus ascended picturing the coming Rapture of those who are alive and remain.
Jesus went to heaven in the same way he will return one day.
Cloven tongues of fire appeared at Pentecost.
People spoke and understood in different languages.
God sent the Comforter.
What supernatural events will take place over the 15 days of the last 3 feasts?:
First angel preaches the everlasting gospel. Matthew 24:14, Revelation 14:6
Second angel announces the destruction of Babylon. Revelation 14:8
Third angel pronounces a curse upon all who take the mark of the beast. Revelation 14:9.
A worldwide earthquake. Revelation 6:12
The sun and moon are darkened. Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:12
The stars fall from heaven (to the earth). Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:13
Every island and mountain are moved out of their place. Revelation 6:14
The heavens are shaken and rolled back as a scroll. Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:14
The sign of the Son of man (shout and trumpet). Matthew 24:30
Every eye sees Jesus. Matthew 24:30
Elect are gathered. Matthew 24:31. The Dead in Christ rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Those who are alive and remain will taste death. They will die. They will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. They will be caught up. Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Jesus and the heavenly host return to heaven. Revelation 8:1
All of these events will take place over a 2-week period, not just 1 day.
Do these events all happen immediately one after another? No.
Are these events all consecutive or do they overlap? Who knows?
Are these events all local to Jerusalem? No. They are worldwide events.
God’s appointed time for the Second Coming is the last 3 feasts. They all take place in the month of Tishri on:
Day 1 - Feast of Trumpets
Day 10 - Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur
Day 15 - Feast of Tabernacles aka Booths
The question now is: When is the month of Tishri? Answer: Tishri usually takes place in the month of September or October depending on the year. This means the “Second Coming” will take place in September or October.
You see. It's that simple. It's that easy.
The irony is the Jews have been celebrating their Messiah’s First and Second Coming for hundreds of years. They will actually see the long-awaited Messiah on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur… the holiest day of the Jewish year because that is God's appointed time.
The question that remains is this: When does Daniel's 70th week start and when is the Second Coming?
Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days...
We believe this means every eye will see Jesus 1,335 days after the Covenant with Many is made. That will be the Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur… Tishri day 10.
Now it becomes a simple matter of math to backtrack and find out when the Covenant with Many is made.
The 3 dates below are dates when the Day of Atonement falls in 2028, 2029 and 2030. Back up 1,335 days and this tells you when the Covenant with many should be made:
Covenant with Many … Day of Atonement
February 2, 2025 ……. September 9, 2028
January 22, 2026 ……. September 18, 2029
February 9, 2027 ……. October 6, 2030
As you can tell… this means the fun will start sometime after the beginning of the new year.
I'm all for next February but it's still too soon to tell. I can't commit to any date yet.
Let me end with two things…. Maybe 3.
First, the Revelation is told twice in the book of Revelation. It’s revealed in Chapters 1 - 11 and then retold with additional details in Chapters 12 - 22.
Revelation 4 & 5 tells us what John saw when he was caught up (raptured) to heaven. Revelation 12 tells us about the war in heaven. Technically, the war in Revelation 12 takes place before John is caught up (raptured) in Revelation 4 & 5. So, there is a war in heaven and THEN the seals of the scroll are opened. That means the devil loses the war, gets kicked out of heaven, goes to earth, the Covenant with Many is made and then… Pay attention to what John said he heard:
[13]And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
I think sometime just before or after the Covenant with Many is made we will hear every creature saying Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever… in their “language”. Will this event last for a minute or an hour or a day or longer? I do not know. But if we are watching then we may see and hear it. After this the seals will be opened, and the Tribulation will officially begin.
Second, I have told you what day. But… can we know the hour? Consider what Amos said:
[8]Shall not the land TREMBLE for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.
[9]And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord GOD, that I will cause the SUN to go down at noon, and I will DARKEN the earth in the clear day…
Amos said the land will tremble. That is the earthquake. Then he said the Sun will be darkened… AT NOON. That is Noon, local time, in Jerusalem. This means the sun will be darkened at 5 am Jacksonville time. There will be no sunrise on that day. Imagine that.
Does this knock your socks off?
There is one more Appointed Time I need to point out that rarely gets mentioned in this context… the Jubilee. Every 50 years the Jews were supposed to observe the Jubilee and then everybody's possessions were supposed to be returned to them. The Jubilee is supposed to be observed on the Day of Atonement. I take this to mean THIS is the day every eye will see Jesus on the Day of Atonement. Everything points to Jesus, even the Jubilee.
The problem is the Jubilee is not observed anymore. Nobody wants to give up their possession. So, when is the next Jubilee? That is hard to say but I did find a website that talks about various Jubilees, and it mentioned one that took place in 572BC. I did the math and added 50 years, 52 times and came up with the year 2028. Check my math and see if that is potentially the next legitimate Jubilee year or not. If it is then 2028 is more than likely the year. If so then things will start popping in February next year, if not sooner.
Here are some Additional thoughts…
The bible tells us a quarter of the earth’s population will die by war, famine, pestilence and death when the 1st 4 seals are opened. That is 2 billion people dead within 1,260 days. The current average death rate is 150,000 per day. Divide 2 billion deaths by 1,260 days and you get 1.5 million deaths per day on average. This tells us the average daily death rate will increase 10-fold during the tribulation. In the first month, instead of 4.5 million dead there will be 45 million dead. In the second month, 90 million dead instead of 9 million dead… and so on.
So… Can we know when the Second Coming will take place? Yes. God gave Daniel the timeline. He wants us to know. It's not hard to figure out. It's all about God's feasts, his appointed times.
There's one more thing people don’t consider. How long does it take to travel from heaven to earth? You may say... It's instantaneous. Let me give you a chapter and verse on that.
Daniel 10:2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. That was 21 days.
Daniel 10:4 And in the four and twentieth day of the first month... this would be Nisan day 24.
This tells us Daniel started mourning on Nisan day 3, 21 days before Nisan day 24.
Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days...
This tells me that the day Daniel started mourning an angel was dispatched to him with a message. It took the angel 21 days to get to Daniel. It took that much time because... 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me…
Question: How long would it have taken the angel if the prince of the kingdom of Persia did NOT withstand the angel? Maybe 5 days? Maybe 10 days? Who knows? Instantaneously? No.
Revelation 2:10... ye shall have tribulation ten days...
What if it takes 5-10 days for the heavenly host and the dead in Christ to travel with Jesus to earth? And... if the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood the angel... who's to say the devil won't go all out to withstand the heavenly host and the dead in Christ when… Thy kingdom comes? We've been taught to think of everything as taking place in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. That only applies to those who are alive and remain. What if everything else concerning the Second Coming takes days?
Here is Daniel's 70th week timeline based on God’s Feasts, his appointed times:

One last thought. I am not dead set on February 2, 2025, as being the start. Imagine, if you will, it starts on or about January 20, 2025… the day of the Inauguration. That means I would suggest you keep an eye and an ear out for this event:
[13]And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
If every creature starts saying Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever, I think everybody in the U.S. is crazy enough to think that’s a sign of God’s hand of blessing resting Donald Trump and America. Nobody’s going to be thinking… the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week has just started or is starting soon because the devil was just kicked out of heaven.