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No Man Knoweth The Day or The Hour 'Except' the McArthursteins

Paul McArthur

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

Did you know Matthew 24:36 does NOT say... no man knoweth the day or the hour? Go look it up. Prove me wrong.

Imagine you were going on a trip and the instructions were... meet at the airport on Saturday or at 11am. That statement specifically excludes Saturday at 11am.

If you choose Saturday then you could choose 8am or 2pm... or any other time just not at 11am.

If you choose 11am then you could choose any day just not Saturday. 

You could never know when to meet at the airport if you are told to meet on... Saturday or 11am. Just like you can't know the day or hour of the Rapture. Saying Matthew 24:36 says 'or' makes makes every option impossible. It's a lie from the devil.

Two IFB pastors taught me how to read James 2:14 last year. To understand the question, "Can faith save him?", look for the context in the previous verse, verse 13. Can faith save him from judgement without mercy? No. Faith cannot save you from judgement without mercy. 

What is the context of Matthew 24:36? Look in verse 35. Heaven and earth shall pass away and no man knoweth the day AND hour when... Heaven and earth shall pass away. Only God the Father knows the day and hour when heaven and earth shall pass away.

It's that simple. Quote the lie and use context like a Calvinist and you will misinterpret what Jesus said.

My family has a little known secret. We used to be Jews. DNA doesn't support this. But, back in the day our name used to be McArthurstein. 😁 


When God gave the 7 feasts the McArthursteins told everybody... don't look backwards to the provisions of God... look forwards to the promises of God! 

The McArthursteins knew the 1st three feasts pointed to the 15th - 17th days of Nisan when the Messiah would be crucified as the Lamb of God. But, everybody told them, no man knoweth the day or hour. 

Then the Messiah was crucified on the 14th day of Nisan and resurrected on the 17th day. The McArthursteins said, look forward to the Feast of Weeks. That is when God will send the Comforter. But, everybody still told them, no man knoweth the day or hour.

Jesus could've raptured the day after he resurrected but he preached for 40 days afterwards like Jonah preached for 40 days after spending 3 days in the belly of the fish.

God gave the Comforter after Jesus Raptured just as Jesus said he would pray the Father.

God could've sent the Comforter the day after Jesus was Raptured but he waited 10 days till the Feast of Weeks aka the Day of Pentecost.

God's plan has always been to fulfill the 7 feasts... not just celebrate the 7 feasts.

After that the McArthursteins came to realize Judaism was a false religion so they moved to Scotland, dropped Stein from their name and became Baptists. And for the last 2,000 years the McArthurs have been telling people... look forward to the Feast of Trumpets. That's when the Second Coming will start.

People continue to misquote verse 36 and ignore the context. This makes verse 36 sound legitimate saying no man knoweth the day or hour of the Rapture. If you repeat a lie often enough then people will accept it. Have you heard, Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus?

The McArthursteins knew the Messiah would be slain at the Passover and they knew when the Comforter would be given because it was obvious if you just looked at the feasts. Yet no man knoweth the day or hour.

Just keep misquoting that verse and you can rest assured it's not possible to know when the Second Coming will be in spite of Bible history... in spite of the fact each prophetic event was fulfilled on the day each feast took place. 

People don't look at the past to know the future because no man can know the day or hour of... the Rapture. So, why bother to try?

God gave Daniel the timeline but... no man can know the day or hour of the Rapture? Jesus gave us the signs. Jesus wants us to know he will return starting with the Feast of Trumpets. He's just waiting for the war in heaven when the devil and his angels are kicked out. Then the timeline will be set.

Be a McArthurstein and don't believe the lie... no man knoweth the day or hour. 😄 The truth is, No man knoweth the day and hour of the end of the world when Heaven and earth will pass away.

When you stop misquoting verse 36 and look at the history of the feasts and the promises then things start coming alive.

Misquoting verse 36 leads to another lie... the Rapture takes place over just one 24 hour period. 

Don't read the Bible with your ears listening to people misquote Matthew 24:36.

The truth is the Second Coming is a two weeklong event that takes place between the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Booths. So, read the Bible and look at the history. It all adds up.

We may agree to disagree. Just stop misquoting verse 36.

The "steins" are humorous but serious. It is entirely possible people could have known what the feasts were all about... but they didn't.

Now it's up to us to recognize what nobody else has recognized for 4,000+ years.

Believe the Bible and the McArthursteins and you can know when the Second Coming will take place. 😁

Here is another way to summarize the above:

God gave the children of Israel 7 Feasts to celebrate.

The first 4 have been fulfilled: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Firstfruits and the Feast of Weeks aka Pentecost.

The Feasts are not just about the provisions of God. The Feasts are about the promises of God.

The Feasts have always been when God has fulfilled and will fulfill his promises.

God promised to send the Messiah, the Lamb of God, who would be without Sin, like Unleavened Bread is without yeast, and who would be the Firstfruits of the Dead. Jesus also promised to send the Comforter.

These promises were all fulfilled on the day each of the first 4 Feasts were celebrated.

The last 3 feasts left to be fulfilled are the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Booths.

This means, the Second Coming will take place when these Feasts are celebrated... in the 7th month of Tishri, aka Ethanim, on the Hebrew calendar... on the 1st, 10 and 15th days. That's a 2 week long event, usually in September or October on the Julian calendar.

What year? We don't know yet. But, I'm leaning towards 2028. That will be true if the Covenant with Many is made in January next year. Otherwise, I'm looking towards 2029.

BTW: In all honesty Steven Anderson preached a sermon several years ago that got me on the right track. He already knows the timing. It's on his Daniel's 70th week poster. But he misreads verse 36. Read verse 36 correctly and stop interpreting context like a Calvinist and it'll nail down the timing for him. His poster is on this website. Look on the bottom, in the middle, for the month of Tishri aka Ethanim and you'll see it. I can't take credit for what I've come up with. He unlocked the door for me.

P.S. He doesn't know me. I just have to give credit where credit is due.



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