The message you will get from most pastors today is repent of your sins to be saved.
However, salvation is a faith issue. Sin is works not faith.
If you have faith in Allah then God says repent of your faith and put your faith in Jesus. Satan says repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus.
If you have faith in the Catholic church, the virgin Mary and the saints then God says repent of your faith and put your faith in Jesus. Satan says repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus.
Try saying this. Repent of your faith in your sins and put your faith in Jesus. That doesn't work. Salvation is a faith issue. Nobody has faith their sins will save them. You can't repent of your sins because sins are works... not faith.
God says repent of your faith... to be saved.
Satan says repent of your sins... to be saved.
You repent of your faith and then Jesus takes care of your sins. Jesus covers your sins with His blood. Jesus places your sins as far as the east is from the west. Jesus cleanses you from all unrighteousness. You can't do any of that by simply saying 'sorry'.
Saying sorry doesn’t do anything with your sins. Your sins are still there even after you say sorry. Repent of your sins. Turn from your sins. If you turn around you can still see your sins.
You have to repent of your faith and believe in Jesus and then Jesus cleanses you from all unrighteousness and places your sins as far as the east is from the west.
Repenting of your sins is a good thing to do after you're saved but is not something you do... to be saved.
If you repent of your sins to be saved then your faith is in what you have done and NOT what Jesus has done.
The demons who have infiltrated the church are the one's who tell you to repent of your sins to be saved. God says repent of your faith to be saved.
Nobody goes to hell because of their sins.
Sinners go to hell.
Sinners go to heaven.
Unbelievers go to hell.
Believers go to heaven.
Unbelievers repent of their sins and go to hell.
Believers repented of their faith and go to heaven.
The reason I keep hammering this topic is because I got caught up in this repent of your sins heresy because I trusted a lying preacher who preached this. It took me a year of study to finally remember the invitation Homer G Lindsay Jr. used to give after every sermon. He said... if you want to come down and make your public profession of faith... come on down. Nowadays Heath Lambert's invitation is... if you want to repent of your sins AND trust in Jesus come on down.
The correct invitation is... Whosoever will repent of their faith and believe in Jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life.
"Everything God creates Satan counterfeits." That is correct. Even this popular preacher counterfeits God's salvation: