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Daniel's 70th week and the Pre/Mid/Post Trib vs Post-Trib Pre-Wrath Positions

Paul McArthur

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

A Jewish year contains 360 days.

7 years = 7 * 360 days = 2520 days.

Pre/Mid/Post Trib advocates believe in a 7 year Tribulation.

That means Tribulation, Great Tribulation and God's Wrath are all the same thing.

For this reason all 3 positions are wrong. Some people may think Great Tribulation is aka God's Wrath. They're wrong, too.

Pre/Mid/Post Trib advocates disagree where the Rapture takes place during Daniel's 70th week.

They all agree on 1260 days.

They all agree that 7 years is 2520 days.

Problem: 7 * 365 days = 2555 days not 2520 days.

Daniels 70th week lasts 2555 days NOT 2520 days.

People forget that a 360 day year is short 5 days every year. They forget that 1 month of 30 days is added every 6 years to the Jewish calendar.

6 * 5 days = 30 days = 1 month.

They all agree Daniel's 70 weeks ends with 7 years of Tribulation.

Daniel's 70 weeks does not end with 7 years of Tribulation.

Daniel's 70 weeks, Daniel's 70th week, ends with the Temple being Cleansed.

The bible says it will take 30 days to Cleanse the Temple.

7 years, or 2520 days, of "Tribulation" plus 30 days to Cleanse the Temple gives you 2550 days.

Even after including cleansing the temple you are still 5 days short of 2555 days.

Where are those 5 days? The bible doesn't specifically say. You just have to know that Jesus will fulfill the last 3 feasts... the harvest feasts. There are still 3 feasts for Jesus to fulfill.

Jesus will fulfill these 3 feasts at the end of the Great Tribulation before God pours out his wrath.

The first feast is the Feast of Trumpets.

Then there are 10 days until the next feast.

The second feast is the Day of Atonement.

Then there are 5 days until the last feast... the Feast of Booths.

The time between the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Booths is the 5 days needed to complete the 2555 days of Daniel's 70th week... i.e. just about the middle of Daniel's 70th week... about 1335 days into the 70th week... between day 1335 and day 1340. Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

You may object and say, but Daniel's 70th week is continuous. There is Tribulation, Great Tribulation & God's Wrath. There is nothing in the middle.

I would say show me where Daniel's 70 weeks are continuous with no pause in the middle.

There was a pause after the first 7 weeks.

There was a pause after the next 62 weeks.

Who's to say there is not a pause in the middle of the last week?

And, that "pause" is NOT really a pause but rather the fulfillment and completion of the 2555 days.

Nobody... I mean NOBODY has proffered that solution. This is why I am proffering it. This makes sense when all of the other positions do not.

Again. The timing of Daniel's 70th week is as follows:

1260 days Tribulation

75 days Great Tribulation

5 days Second Coming / Rapture

1185 days God's Wrath

30 days Cleanse the Temple

2555 days Total

People will say the bible doesn't tell us the Second Coming and the Rapture takes 5 days. They are correct. They struggle with 'a moment in the twinkling of an eye'. They apply 'a moment in the twinkling of an eye' to the Second Coming and the Rapture.

They need to instead apply coming with 'GREAT POWER and GREAT GLORY". When you apply those two details to the Second Coming and the Rapture you should begin to see that we are changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye does NOT apply to the Second Coming and the Rapture.

Also, who is to say that the Day of the Lord is a literal 24 hour period? There are those who think the Day of the Lord is the period of time where God pours out his Wrath. What if the Day of the Lord is the period where God pours out his Wrath AND includes the time of the Second Coming and the Rapture? You may say the Day of the Lord is only referring to the Second Coming and the Rapture. I'm thinking it refers to both.

There is no question that there is 5 days missing from everybody's position on Daniel's 70th week. Plug those days in between the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Booths and you not only complete Daniel's 70th week but, you now have the timing of the Second Coming and the Rapture, too. You just don't know WHEN during those 5 days you will see the Second Coming and you don't know WHEN you will be Raptured.

No man knoweth the day or the hour. If it is a 5 day event then that is still true.



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